Adversal is greate source for your income if you are tired of trying to sell all of your ad space every month only to end up with unsold inventory than Adversal Publisher Network will buy 100% of your pop-under inventory every month so that you will never have to worry about your ad space going unsold again. They pay up to $1.20 per 1,000 page views. That is about $6.00 per 1,000 unique visitors!
Adversal pays out every 30 days with a low minimum of $20 for payment. They will pay by check or deposit directly to a PayPal account if you have one on the 15th of every month.
If you run a site that wouldnt meet the requirements to join one of the more well known networks, or you have a high percentage of international traffic, you should check out Adversal.
Adversal is greate source for your income if you are tired of trying to sell all of your ad space every month only to end up with unsold inventory than Adversal Publisher Network will buy 100% of your pop-under inventory every month so that you will never have to worry about your ad space going unsold again. They pay up to $1.20 per 1,000 page views. That is about $6.00 per 1,000 unique visitors!
Adversal pays out every 30 days with a low minimum of $20 for payment. They will pay by check or deposit directly to a PayPal account if you have one on the 15th of every month.
If you run a site that wouldnt meet the requirements to join one of the more well known networks, or you have a high percentage of international traffic, you should check out Adversal.
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