6 ways to increase profits business

There are several ways to meningktkatkan business benefits, among others:


      Raise prices

The easiest way to increase profit margins in the business is to raise prices. With only menaikkkan at 10%, then your business profits will soon rise. The increase in the margin instead of 10%, but more than that. Suppose the price of goods wal you $ 100, with a profit of Rp 20.
Then you raise 10% to $ 110. Means that once you raise your profits into 30 (20 + 10). So with only 10% of goods increase, you've raised three-fold profit.


      Improve services and benefits, rather than discounts

A valuable commodity will remain low when there is no added value of the benefit. When a given commodity value-added benefits, then the price of goods was going to go up along with the added value benefits. For example, coffee in the market is a commodity whose price is cheap. But after the coffee sold at Starbucks, its value will increase its benefits and costs soar

Any goods or services you have today, please raise the value of benefits and servants. And after that you could raise prices according to benefits and services you provide.

Discount is one marketing strategy that can increase business turnover. But you also have to remember, the main purpose of your business is getting the benefit / profit. Giving discounts will definitely decrease your profit margin, is not it? It's okay to give discounts, but of course with the strategy and thinking yng cook. Well, instead of always giving discounts that are not necessarily deliver results, you can provide benefits and better service for the same price or even higher


      Designing a monthly budget

Success should be planned. Included in the monthly budget of your business problems. Plan your monthly budget for your expenses can be better controlled and planned. Without planning it could be a lot of expenses that should not have to, but instead you are doing. Anything that nenyangkut problem spending money in the company should have been planned. Moreover, if the expenses were routine in nature.


      Do save 10%

Perform all operational cost savings you are currently at 10%, preferably greater would be great. Please check all your current expenditure items, I'm sure a lot of expenses you can save. The money you save it you can use to interest the more beneficial for your business

Pengematan Examples: use electricity as needed, buy office needs a wholesale basis, to replace these items with regular demand cheaper goods, etc.


      Stop the ads are not effective

In the midst of such fierce competition, advertising is part of a costly business. As a businessman, would you look at any ads that are profitable and give effect to the progress of business. Not all ads are effective. Advertising is not effective you must leave now.

Remember always, the world is always changing and evolving. Likewise, consumer behavior also changed. Media that used to be effective for your ad, not necessarily when it is useful to your business. Therefore, measuring the effectiveness of your advertising becomes very important.


      FIRST sell goods with high margins

What did you accomplish today is usually the result of what you focus to it. If you sell many kinds of products with different margins, it's good from now on you are more focused on prioritizing items with high profit margins. High margins will greatly help your business cash flow. It's different if you sell items with low margins, although sales volume a lot. Focus your sales on products with high margins

Hopefully with these tips on increasing your business profits.

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