CARA Hack Claim pet Kyubi Hachibi Ninja Saga terbaru update desember 2011

CARA Hack Claim pet Kyubi Hachibi Ninja Saga terbaru

update desember 2011


2. Then Install Fiddler
3. New run Fiddler
4. Click the Tab autoresponder (which his lightning green icon)
5. Tick ​​the box "Enable automatic responses" and also "Permit passthrough for Unmatched request"
6. Drop it. SWF file that you downloaded earlier to the column Autoresponder
7. Go to Ninja Saga
8. After that clean the cache
9. Select a The character and play

clear cache:
     For Mozilla FirefoxTools -Options -Advanced -Choose Network Tab -Clear Now -Click OK
     For Google Chrome: Select the icon in the upper right corner (next to the stars) -> Options -> Under the Hood -> Clear Browsing Data -> Empty the cache -> Clear Browsing Data

Use It: Go To HuntingHouse and Claim All

Hachibi and X'mas Classic Buy and Go Claim

IT Work Just Prove And Prove 6-7 time at day 
And when Click Claim wait 5 min the refresh ns 

credit "   Ns HaCk Albania

5 comments for "CARA Hack Claim pet Kyubi Hachibi Ninja Saga terbaru update desember 2011"

  1. Gan, Kenapa pas masuk HUNTING HOUSE ada bacaan remove kunai.. Itu gimana gan?

  2. Gan, Kenapa pas masuk HUNTING HOUSE ada bacaan remove kunai.. Itu gimana gan?

  3. msh work gak..? gw coba kok gak bs.

  4. ada update paling terbaru ga sobat?


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